Sunday, June 27, 2010


HS2135- Statistics

NR0928 SubGroup1

Group Members :

  • Li Jie(Leader) , 090298Q
  • Goh Hui Jin , 094039z
  • Pauline Tan Poh Fang , 095339n
  • Valentina Soliano , 094155B

Question :
1. Is a person’s oral temperature related to the axilla temperature?

Title :

1. Relevance between Axilla and Oral temperatures in children aged 2-6

Sample :

  • 33 children , aged 2-6 years
  • Quota Sampling

Variables :

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Oral Temperature
  • Axillary Temperature
  • Time of temperature taken

Variables are chosen this way because :

  1. Names of the children are kept confidential .
  2. It is important to know the age of the clients in order to see the fluctuation rate ( difference between oral and axillary temperatures ) between the different age groups.
  3. Males and females might have different ranges in oral and axillary temperatures , hence is important to know their gender
  4. The main purpose of doing this data collection is to see if there is any relevance between oral and axilla temperature

Safety Precautions :

  1. Hand Rub after interaction with each student
  2. Thermometer sheath for oral & axilla temperature taking
  3. Clean thermometer with alcohol swab after use on each student

Hypothesis :

Oral temperature will always be higher then axilla temperature

Temperature Callibration & Literature Review

June 15 , 2010 1.45PM

Temperature callibration is important because it is a control to proof that the temperatures from the thermometers are accurate . Here is evidence for the Temperature Callibration

"Temperature can be influenced by other factors such as exercise or a lot of activity prior to checking the temperature. Drinking cold or hot liquids can also affect an oral temperature. Of course the accuracy of the thermometer can also affect the results." ( Kathy Quan ,2006 )

Temperatures are at 37.0 degree celcius
Callibration of thermometers :)

Literature Reviews ( click on the number to navigate for full text ) :

1. States that Oral Temperatures are more accurate than Axillary temperatures , and oral temperatures will be a degree higher at least

2. States that Oral temperatures are approximately 0.3°C-0.6°C higher then axilla temperatures

3. States that Oral temperatures will be about 0.6°C higher then axilla temperatures

4. States that Oral temperatures will be 0.5°C - 1°C higher then axilla temperatures

5. States that Oral temperatures will be 0.2°C - 0.8°C higher then axilla temperatures

6. States that although the oral temperature was higher than axillary temperature in all the cases, there was no correlation between the two; in one case the difference was as high as 1

Therefore , all these prove that the Oral temperatures will be higher then axilla temperatures


Like mentioned earlier in the temperature callibration post , control is very important because not having a control might affect the results collected . Hence , we have came out with controls to make our data collection more accurate .

Here is our control :

1. Callibrating thermometers .
2. Using the same brand of thermometers .
3. Ensuring that temperatures of the children are taken immediately after bedtime.
4. No food consumption before temperature taking .
5. Ensuring that the oral and axilla temperatures are taken at the same time .
6. Ensure that all children are wearing the same clothes , sweater not allowed. .
7. Ensure that children are not running about before temperature taking .
8. Ensure that children do not talk while thermometer is still running in oral temperature taking .

Data Collection

June 15th , 2.50pm
Arrived at childcare centre

The children were sleeping when we arrived. Hence, we began to set up the equipments and started taking the children's temperature once they woke up .

3pm. Temperature taking commenced

(notice children still sleeping behind )

Data analysis

Null Hypothesis

There is NO relationship between Oral and Axillary Temperature.

The relationship between Oral and Axillary temperature is linear

P value < α Therefore , Reject Null Hypothesis There is a Relationship between Oral and Axillary temperature Pearson's R value is 0.488 There is a Positive Moderate Relationship
between Oral and Axillary temperature
Oral Temperature = [0.389 X ( axillary temperature )] + 22.398
Comparing Male and Females ..

Result :
There is no relationship between males and oral and axillary temperatures , however , there is a positive STRONG relationship between females and oral axillary temperatures .

Comparing Ages ....

Null hypothesis
There is no relationship between age and temperatures at both Axilla and Oral sites .
P value is larger than α hence we accept the null hypothesis

Raw Data

Data View

Variable View

Click to View Larger Image


In conclusion from our findings ,by analysing the data, generally we can see that there is a postive relationship between oral temperature and axillary temperature . The formula : Oral Temperature = [0.389 X ( axillary temperature )] + 22.398 ,according to the data we have collected . When the axillary temperature is approximately above 36.7 celsius degree the oral temperature will not be higher than axillary temperature . Therefore from the formula view and our hypothesis : Oral temperature will always be higher than axillary temperature is not true.

Furthermore , when we compared gender and age , it shows that only females have a postive strong relationship but not the males . For age , there is no relationship between oral and axilla temperatures .

Group Reviews

As a subgroup , we enjoyed doing this ICA alot , went through alot of processes and thoughts while deciding on the question as well as how we should do this ICA . despite the many problems and arguments we had while doing this ICA , we still suceeded in achieving our targets set , managed to use all the variables we had , and the way we should have done this project . We learnt that teamwork was very important in the data collection as well as setting up the blog , due to the fact that most of us had not set up a blog before .

HuiJin :

The whole process of blogging was refreshing , bringing me back to my good old days . I enjoyed doing this with my group mates alot , especially during the data collection where we had alot of fun and laughter . Also , i would like to thank my group members for entrusting the whole job of blogging to me , it was tough , but fun !

LiJie :

I would like to say that through this ICA i learned a lot and did enjoy doing it. during the data collection process i learned that communication with children is a kind of skill and in order to obtain accurate data we need good communication skill with children especially instruct them how to do. while the data analysising process is not just a process apply what you have learn but also a process that you have to explore by yourself. in the end thanks teacher for giving us this opportunity to do this ICA.

Pauline :

Tough but fun; this is how I feel about the whole process. After much discussion, our group finally decided to conduct the research in a childcare centre. I was tasked to negotiate with the principal to gain her approval for doing the research in her childcare centre. The pre-negotiation process was tough as I need to tell the principal our plan; bearing in mind that I need to lead her to say “yes” in the end. The final outcome will depend on how the plan is being drafted. Hence, I have done my preparations well and the principal had finally allowed us to do this research on the condition that we will not disrupt their school’s curriculum.
On the day itself, we have actually wanted to complete the temperature taking within 20 minutes but we took 45 minutes instead. When the children were awaked, we began taking their temperature. It was difficult as some of them were quite active; the thermometer either dropped out from their mouth or their armpit. Hence, we have to retake their temperature and lots of time was wasted.
At the end of the day, I still find it a fun day after all as the children were really cute and lovable and I have a great time with them.
As for the blog, this is really something new to me and I realise that there is really lots of thing waiting for me to learn. Huijin is a great team member who helps to do up the blog. As for me, I try to help by giving suggestions and editing the blog. Not forgetting Li Jie and Valentina, who had all contributed their part. I am glad that I have such great team members who are helpful in this project.

Valentina :
The overall experience throughout this whole project was indeed an enjoyable one, especially when I get to learn many things from here. It was also a joy to be able to work with children as our subjects of research. On a side note, I also feel that Pauline had done a great job in organizing this trip to the childcare centre, by talking to the principal and everything, if not we would not have been able to focus our research subjects on these children. At the same time, I get to work with my other 2 teammates as well – Huijin and Li Jie – and both of them have done a great job too, especially Huijin who had really spent a lot of time and effort putting up this blog.
From this project, we get to realize our strengths and weaknesses and also our resourcefulness and communication skills. There were also many points to take note of as there is still room for improvement, and so I hope that when we have another project which requires us to do a research like this one, we can apply the skills which we have learnt altogether, efficiently.